How to Apply
Read below to learn more about how to apply for our program offerings.

Childcare Scholarships
Childcare Scholarship applications have to be completed at the First Steps office. Required materials needed from parents to complete an application.
- Applicant’s social security number
- One month of pay stubs from employer
- School schedule (if applicable)
- Paid registration document from school (if applicable)

Childcare Training
Childcare training calendars will be sent out to all childcare facilities. Interested participants must contact First Steps staff to register. Registration fees, if applicable, need to be paid via mail or at the First Step office.

Childcare Quality Enhancement
Childcare quality enhancement applications will be sent to all child care facilities yearly. Interested sites should submit applications to First Steps for review. Participants will be selected and notified. Technical assistance services are available for current and perspective child care facilities.